Friday, January 29, 2010

Where do I go from here?

There is a purpose for this blog...other than just giving me a place to vent! I want to interact with other parents that are perhaps struggling as I am to ensure that their families are living healthy happy lives!
Here's where I am with things and why I would like to open up discussion with others:

I have tried to be an all natural parent; done the cloth diapers, tried organic food, joined a natural parenting forum. Where has it gotten me? Enlightened maybe, but really no progress made in changing our lifestyle. So now I am a guilty mother because there are things I know I need to change but I am not sure how to make it happen in "real" life!

I have read "The Five Love Languages" and "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". So now, I know all the things that I don't do correctly...and what I should do for a healthy marriage...but I am still confused as to how to implement all this stuff so that my husband and I can ride off into the sunset. Again, guilt...what should I do?

The funny thing is...all this stuff is really pertinent and relevant to living a happy life; but I do feel that a lot of it is hyped up by media and other groups to the point where NOT following these directives leaves you with...again....the guilt. The Guilt and probably not a ton of change in how you really live. So...I would like to actively start eating right, living right etc. etc...and this blog will be a record of the challenges I face and hopefully that others in the same predicament face as well.

I would love to hear from others...If you have methods that work for you in reaching goals set for your family...or if you have struggles! I think it will be great to have others to discuss things with and we can all struggle through it together!

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