Monday, February 1, 2010

Grass Fed Beef and Howard City...?

I just finished reading "The Ominvore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan. I know there is a huge movement to eat healthier out there in the world; but how do I make it happen in Howard City?

This led me to actually use the links in the back of the book and search for available healthy food in this area. There were three that I really liked: which will link you to stores and farms in relation to your zip code; which will do the same, but I found more eggs and dairy products here; lastly, .

This last site was awesome, I actually found a farm in Howard City offering a CSA for veggies/fruits and medicinal herbs...( ). Now, I haven't actually dealt with this CSA...but it's nice to know it's out there! (By the way...thanks to Google...I can tell you that CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture". Basically, you pay a membership in the farm to receive produce/meat/eggs etc in return).

Okay, I have to admit...I don't really need a CSA for fruits and veggies. For those of you who don't have the time or space to garden, this is a great way to get fresh organic produce. I am blessed with a father, his garden and my rototiller; I beg him to plant stuff for me and have fresh produce all season long. What I need to know is where to find grass fed meat, eggs etc. After reading Michael Pollan's book and the details of what eating corn and grain does to cows and their meat...essentially then directly affecting our own bodies...I don't know that I want that store bought "choice angus" anymore.

I searched the sites above and found some farms in White Cloud, Fremont, Ravenna...but those either didn't list websites which is just not cool for me when I am trying to get something done...or are really expensive in my eyes. Yes, good healthy food is worth paying for...if you can afford to pay for it! I want a better option.

I did find a site: that is located in Olivet Michigan. So, at least it's in the state...but I guess we had better be prepared for a roadtrip if we select this farm! To make a long story short...this site is very informative on grass fed beef...including cooking tips and a break down of cost and what you get for weight and cuts.

We were quoted this fall at $2.10 lb to purchase a whole beef (grain fed/ non organic) which includes processing. The grass fed beef are quoted at $2.40 lb for whole, and $2.45 for half plus $40 disposal fee and also and additional $0.43lb for processing (the meat is vacuum sealed). So, for a 400 lb whole beef you will pay apprx. $840 for a whole grain fed beef and $1172 for a grass fed beef. Over $300 difference...I think that it would be worth it to know that the food that I am feeding my family has a higher level of Omega 3 and less saturated fat. Another thing to consider is the huge amount of beef provided by a whole beef; you could split the cost with 1 or 2 other families and still have a freezer full.

The good thing is that it's possible to find healthy alternatives to the food we currently eat. The question then that's left is how to make it happen. Thank goodness for tax returns! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Where do I go from here?

There is a purpose for this blog...other than just giving me a place to vent! I want to interact with other parents that are perhaps struggling as I am to ensure that their families are living healthy happy lives!
Here's where I am with things and why I would like to open up discussion with others:

I have tried to be an all natural parent; done the cloth diapers, tried organic food, joined a natural parenting forum. Where has it gotten me? Enlightened maybe, but really no progress made in changing our lifestyle. So now I am a guilty mother because there are things I know I need to change but I am not sure how to make it happen in "real" life!

I have read "The Five Love Languages" and "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". So now, I know all the things that I don't do correctly...and what I should do for a healthy marriage...but I am still confused as to how to implement all this stuff so that my husband and I can ride off into the sunset. Again, guilt...what should I do?

The funny thing is...all this stuff is really pertinent and relevant to living a happy life; but I do feel that a lot of it is hyped up by media and other groups to the point where NOT following these directives leaves you with...again....the guilt. The Guilt and probably not a ton of change in how you really live. So...I would like to actively start eating right, living right etc. etc...and this blog will be a record of the challenges I face and hopefully that others in the same predicament face as well.

I would love to hear from others...If you have methods that work for you in reaching goals set for your family...or if you have struggles! I think it will be great to have others to discuss things with and we can all struggle through it together!